Monday, 6 March 2017

Benefits of a Perfect HR and Payroll Software

A massive and growing team of employees can be very tricky to manage. To keep the dynamics of different team in the company to remain positive and to ensure good level of understand and support within all team members requires a full time job for almost all employers. 
This is why Human Resources department exists. Tussle between team members can reduce productivity of the company and can severely affect the quality delivered to the customers. 
Managing the workplace is still tough and now with remote employees and  and teams working from more than one location have the entire process tough to maintain if the old fashioned way is followed. 
The current work culture needs special tools and software like friendHRM HR and Payroll software to make the HR process easier and hassle free. #HRandpayrollsoftware is the best choice for managing your employees in an easy and efficient way.  A good HR and #PayrollSoftware can help you to keep a tab on your team members.
We will like to share few major benefits of using HR and Payroll Software along with great examples:

Great Benefits of Using HR and Payroll Software 

1) Build a Solid Team

Building a strong and solid team is one of the core objective of organisations. Ensure that your team members always boasts a solid sense of community inside company helps each other as this will enhanced the quality you are going to deliver to your customer. Here a good Payroll and #HRSoftware is effective as  it can automate the HR process and provide your HR team enough time and support to make the atmosphere positive.
2) Hiring Process Improvement

With smart and effective# HumanResourceSolutions, your hiring process can be optimised for better talent acquisition and  smoother interview assesments. A good HR software will cover the heavy and tricky stuffs for you – so you just need to make final decision or  schedule next round of interview. 

3) Onboarding Process Improvement
Newly hired team members can feel on-boarding an awkward and uncomfortable if the process is not simplifies. To overcome this, a good HR software with easy on-boarding process will be very effective. You can set up a series of short videos and links for company regulations, so new employees can go through them. This will boost the company image on new hires resulting into their complete dedication. 
4) Efficient Payroll Management

Managing Payroll can consume a lot of time doing it manually.  #Accountingsoftware can be good for business, but can't be effective for Human Resources Payroll Calculation as Payroll requires specific customization which accounting software cannot provide.
To manage payroll, special Payroll Software are available in market; however, the software which includes Payroll and HR, both is the best for use as it saves a lot of time. 

You can check the best HR and Payroll Software #friendHRM as it includes HR and Payroll both features. It also includes #onlineleavemanagementsystem, claim application and multi level approvals. You can sign up for free trial of HR and Payroll Software friendHRM at and upgrade your HR to new and efficient way to manage your employees.

Is HR and Payroll Software good for HR Team Only?

HR Software is useful for not only HR Team, but also the business owners, employees, directors, and a lot more. Real fact is many companies doesn't have dedicated HR team. People from different roles can use HR Software.

Here we will show you who will use #HRsoftware and the benefit of #HRandPayrollsoftware for them:
Small Businesses Owner
In small organisations,the boss is responsible for everything from #HRManagementSoftware to Payroll.This includes from managing IT systems to looking all tasks about team members.
For small organisations,HR processes can be followed easily with HR and Payroll Software. HR and Payroll Software now calculates salaries and also covers tips for holidays,claims and many more employees related stuff.
#HRSoftware can help the new business owners and ensure that the no process is left. Now when there are cloud hr solutions available,HR Software and #PayrollSoftware are simplified with easy steps and small business owners can work without having to hire HR managers.HR Software like #friendHRM HR and Payroll Software is meant for small,medium and large businesses.friendHRM is widely used as a HR and Payroll Software for Malaysia,India and USA.
HR and Payroll Software can simplify the #employeemanagementSoftware for small business owners. 
Information Technology Manager
The Information Technology managers have responsibility for all technology systems in the company including the HR software or Payroll Software HR team uses. 
Generally,IT team need to install,manage and maintain the software required by the employees and HR team.
Information Technology manager like to have a dedicated #HRandPayrollsoftware like friendHRM which can reduce the workload on their support team.Cloud-based free HR and payroll software like friendHRM will need minimum maintenance compared to locally installed software, which need specialised configuration and too much attention.
The Human Resources Manager
Most organisations having more than few employees will have minimum one HR Manager. 
HR Managers works on reports on all the employees of the company.They have responsibility to manage and process Human Resource data including contact details, joining date of employees, salaries, bonus, leaves, holidays, and many more time consuming tasks. 
With an effective and easy to use HR and Payroll Software,the Human Resources Manager can:
·         Get accurate data faster.
·         Get the information faster from the centralised server.
·         Reports supporting company's growth strategy can be analysed and collected faster. 
·         Sensitive employee information and data is more secured and protected.
·         Can focus more time ingo meaningful tasks by automating the HR and Payroll procecss
The Human Resource Team Members
Organizations having large number of employees might have Human Resource Executives to support Human Resource Manager. 
Apart from supporting Human Resource Manager,Human Resource Executives can get involved in areas of recruitment and training.They are also responsible to get the right talent for the company, and to ensure that the company is operating withing the established budget.
Similarly like Human Resource Managers,Human Resource executives use HR software for entering the data and analysing it.They also use HR Software for stuffs like:
·         Recruitment of new employees and on-boarding them
·         Analysing skill gaps
·         Traking performance appraisals and also to track training programs
The Team Leader or Manager
In large organizations, team leaders or team managers find HR software very useful.Team leaders/managers can use the HR software to track the training and development reports of their team members.They can also use the HR Software for #e-leave requests,#e-claim requests, and for reporting absenteeism. 
The Team Members
Hr Software like FriendHRM HR and Payroll Software  provides self service access to team members.This reduces the HR Manager's burden significantly and the process like applying leaves and claims can become paperless.This also empowers team members with higher visibility and control over their own information.
HR Software is good for employees for the following stuff:
·         Updating Contact Information
·         Applying for Leaves Online
·         Applying for Claims Online
·         Checking the Pay Slips online 
·         View entitlements 
A good HR and Payroll Software like friendHRM is not only good for HR team but also all other department and core team members as well. You can sign up for a free demo of friendHRM at: and see the benefits of automating your HR process.

What Employees Want From Their HR Department

According to Google, Human Resources is of no use..!! This view is sadly echoed by many. In a recent survey, 27% staff rated Human Resources departments as "not very useful".
As per a comment on a netizen forum, the smaller organisations does not care to have Human Resources department while large organisations have it just to control their labourers.
This shoud be certainly an unfair thing to say about any profession; however, the statement states the impression of HR department on the on-HR employees. 
Recently in a HR Software Malaysia forum, employees mentioned the skills which they feel a HR Executive should have. Lets's check few of the most important skills most employees want from their HR.
1. Reading Mind
#HumanResourcemanagement team members are amazing while they work with people. HR should easyly understand and should have ability to connect with others fast and effectively, this makes them the perfect resource to get the proper and perfect talent to workplace.
Human Resources Staff gets complains from candidates about asking stupid and meaningless questions, the Human Resources department do have impression of being great to deal with people.
2. Great Mathematicians 
Employers like the Human Resource team members who are capable to make the most out of their pay budgets. However, it can backfire badly if not done perfectly. We can see a lot of complaints from candidates about HR department now offering proper salary and want them to go away with less salary. Budgeting is a good thing; however, providing bad experience to candidates will ruin the employer branding.
3. Meddlers
Human Resources department is responsible to penalize employees breaking company rules. They also have to handle the problems among the colleges. When then deal with such harsh issues, we can easily label them the meddler.
4. Experts of Excel Reports
Human Resources department needs to process a large amount of data on daily basis using the advanced HR and Payroll Software. It's is true that there is an Excel God in each Human Resources Department. Now a days #HRSoftware have automated their work with HR and Payroll Software available in countries like Malaysia, India, USA, and more. HR software have eased the work of HR professionals and reports are also created in seconds. 

HR software like friendHRM -  Free HR and Payroll Software is available for countries for Malaysia, India and USA with full customisation for payroll, #e-leaves,#e-claims, and many more features. Sign up for a free trial of friendHRM #HR and Payroll Software at: